Blogging. Moving. New Glasses.

Blogging. Moving. New Glasses.

I think it's become pretty obvious that I'm not a very good blogger.

Sometimes it's because the things I'm focussed on are upcoming books that I can't tell you about yet. As for personal things, I just assume that nobody is really interested.

But if you are, here's the latest news. I'm moving from a huge city to a much smaller city. When it's over and done, it's going to be amazing. I'll be closer to my family, I'll be able to have dinner with my sisters on a semi-regular basis, and I'll be in a quieter neighborhood.

However, I hate moving. I mean… I really hate moving. Like worse than my mother's cabbage rolls, and they were freaking hideous. But I would eat an entire platter of them right now if I could shut my eyes and awaken five months from now when the whole moving shebang is over.

Maybe it's because I moved so many times between the ages of 19 and 22 that I just don't have the stomach for it anymore.

Whatever. It's a personal challenge that I just have to get through. However, stress ruins a person's focus. You know what takes focus? Writing books. So I'm doing my absolute best to hammer down and get ahead of my writing schedule before the biggest stress zone takes place.

What does any of this have to do with that photo of the glasses? Very little. I had to get new glasses, and I was absolutely torn between the pretty purple ones, and the larger ones that would be better for work.

It occurred to me that my work is the most important thing in my life right now, so I went with the glasses that have a larger surface area so it's easier on my eyes.

Over the next several months, I have no idea whether I will be a stressed out mess, or whether I'll be focussed and on the ball. So please forgive any erratic behavior. If my email blasts come out too often, or too infrequently, I'm sorry. If there is a huge gap in publishing new books, I'm sorry.

By the fall, I intend to have the next 12 months of releases all planned out, and have a clue about what's going on again. In the meantime, all I can do is keep working as much as I can, and try to hold my focus.

You know… While purging another huge chunk of my belongings and searching for a new home.

No big deal for an anxious person with the focus glitches, right? Haha!
