Summer 2023

Summer 2023

There is a massive life project that is taking a lot of my time and attention. It's one of those things that's going to get much worse before it gets better. 

Everything is fine - sorry, I should have said that first. It's a good thing, really. It's just going to be gigantically chaotic for a while.

Therefore, I need to write 3 books in July, so that I have all essentials finished and can concentrate on The Project for August and September. I'm super excited, and terrified, and my mind is oversaturated with stress. But by winter things are going to chill (not just from the weather) and then it will be full steam ahead. 

I have a ton of ideas for new books and new series. This morning I scribbled out some ideas for a series for Spring 2o24, and nearly short circuited when I realized that as of Saturday, we're halfway through 2023. Um... WHAT?!? I know. Time is extra wibbly-wobbly lately. 

Oh well. If you're on the email list, you'll hear about new books, and when I run discounts and freebies. You'll also hear all about The Big Life Project that is going to set things up so that I can write more / better / faster / calmer.  Well, that's the plan, anyway. haha. Let's see what happens!

As always, thanks SO much for reading, both this blog, and my books. ALL books, actually. Am I allowed to say that book readers / listeners are The Best People, or am I supposed to keep that thought to myself?
